Artist Will Eskridge, contemporary animal art, and Very Good Puzzle!

Athens-based artist Will Eskridge and Very Good Puzzle have teamed up to make a jigsaw puzzle, unlike anything we've seen.
Will was born in 1976 and grew up in the small textile town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina. His veterinarian father had just started his own practice and had recently relocated the family to the quaint town. With a veterinarian as a father and an artist as a mother, it stands to reason that Will would grow up to be an artist focusing on animal imagery.
We're excited to share They Came for Silver with you.
It's a long-held belief that silver brings rainfall for crops. Communities would have assigned villagers that would periodically venture deep into the mountains just outside the township in search for silver.
The legend tells that these searchers, after great effort and discouraging results, came upon a tremendous bird which they'd never before encountered. This Great Horned Owl seemingly protected and revealed a rich vein of silver to the villagers. Tiny drops of rain started falling from the sky.
Awed by their fortune, the people retreated as the rain poured from the sky. The great bird flew away.
The owl brought silver, the silver brought rain, the rain brought crops, and the crops brought mice which the owl could feast, and the owl brought silver, and the silver brought rain.
Read more about Will, his art, this painting, life, lore and beyond at